Coaching with Susan Curtis


Peer-to-Peer Physician Coaching

Caring for those who care for others

Chronic Pain

Coping with Illness, Stress and Anxiety

One-on-One Life Coaching

Getting Unstuck

One-on-One Guided Mindfulness Work

Using the wisdom of the body


Are you looking for an experienced, intuitive guide to help you navigate through a personal challenge or life transition? Feeling like there might be something missing in your life or that it might be time for a personal growth spurt?

One on one coaching can help reconnect you to your innate wisdom, shake loose limiting thoughts and beliefs and align you with your own true path.

As an experienced mindfulness teacher, long time practitioner of the healing profession of medicine and trained life coach, I am passionate about the wisdom of the mind-body-heart system that makes us human. Each of us has our own unique brilliance and innate wholeness. Mind-Body-Life coaching will help you rediscover yours.  See my coaching credentials here.

As your coach, I will help identify and guide you in practices and inquiry that will meet you where you are and help propel you into a greater sense of connection to yourself and your life’s true purpose. 

Typically, I suggest a series of 6 or 7 sessions to really dig in and allow for transformation and growth in a particular area. However, I am open to scheduling sessions one at a time. You can start with a free 20-minute Discovery Conversation for each of us to see if we are a good fit.

I’m ready when you are!